If you are reading this, I am going to guess you clicked on the link for the obvious, you are a working woman and you are looking for a hairstylist that offers a quieter kind of salon experience. I have been working to create a unique one to one experience for you, whether you enjoy a great conversation and music in the background or you want to take time to work, be available by phone or computer, this salon space is exactly for you. In my going on 1 year old 400 square foot Salon Space I want you to feel like you can choose your own adventure. Steph Allen Hairstylist studio is located in the heart of downtown Sanford, Florida. I enjoy the customer service of delivering you the comfort to work or relax while we work together to give you the color and haircut that feels great for you. This is my mission, this is why I do what I do and I hope this blog finds you in time for your next appointment and you can reach out and connect with me so we can set you up for your next appointment.
Thank you so much, Stephanie Allen